Friday, April 19, 2013

Walk like a Werewolf

 The photo below has been circulating the internet recently and has caused quite a stir because of the size and more importantly the height of the wolf ( provided there is no deliberate falsifying of size relation here, that is ) as it is hanging in the photo. Granted, it does provide a creepy and disturbing image, especially to those who have been eye witness to upright canines throughout the world.

Original post of photo :
 The post that accompanies this photo is as follows :
"On November 18, 1935, on the third day of deer season, near Flint around Rhody Creek Trail, despite good weather and a great layer of tracking snow, there were absolutely no deer to be seen.What suddenly sounded like horses running, a massive timber wolf ended up being shot rather than a deer that day. Gutted and dragged into town to be weighed and measured; it weighed 182 pounds even after being gutted, measuring seven feet, 11 inches tall hanging vertically, and stood 39 inches at the shoulder."
Mind you, timber wolves can sometimes grow to some pretty impressive sizes, but
take a good look at this wolf's back legs in the photo.
One of the most interesting things I have ever read, and which has stuck in the back of my mind ever since, is a paragraph written by Wang & Tedford in their book on canine evolution, which is one of my favorite books in my vast library of zoology, cryptozoology, and high strangeness.
It reads ...
"Large, wolflike pursuit predators were in particular the direct consequence of the opening up of the landscape"
Later, they go on to say...
" These changes were reflected in the terrestrial vertebrate community by an increasing cursoriality ( the ability to run fast and for a long time ) among predators and prey. 
This greater ability to run is clearly reflected in the fossil history of canids, which shows increasingly erect standing postures(emphasis mine), progressively lengthened limb bones, and restricted movements of the joints."

Evolution of a species is directly related to environment.
Could the werewolf, Dogman, Mandog, upright canine be a direct result of evolutionary necessity rather than something sinister and supernatural?
It certainly is another card to lay on the table of hypothesis in our research. Canines originated on this continent and expanded into Afro-Eurasia around 5-7 million years ago, and into South America roughly 3 million years ago.
They've certainly had a long time to become not only one of the world's top predators, but to change dramatically according to nature's guidelines.
I hope this post finds everyone well and having a great day!
Til next time....
Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven Meindel

Monday, April 15, 2013

Sasquatch Art

Nearly 400 caves have been discovered all across the globe that contain paintings, etchings, scratchings, and carvings that give us a glimpse into the past regarding subjects ranging from sympathetic magic conjured up by hunting parties to the daily routines in the lives of our prehistoric human ancestors.

Hands at the Cuevas de las Manos upon Río Pinturas, near the town of Perito Moreno in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. (Picture courtesy of Wikipedia)

Not only caves hold these age-old treasures.
Petroglyphs such as Newspaper rock near Canyonlands National Park in Southeastern Utah and Laxe dos carballos in Campo Lameiro, Galicia remind us that humans were communicating and creating in all realms of nature and in many varied ways as well.

Newspaper Rock
Though many of these ancient artifacts have connotations of deliberate practical use, ie: ritual, hunting, marking the seasonal changes, animal migrations etc., could some have been done just for the fun of it? Did our ancient ancestors indulge in self expression?
Creation just for the sake of creating and expressing yourself is something that is not unfamiliar territory to us. People use art to express feelings of joy, anger, humor, passion, happiness, and a myriad of other emotions and personality traits. Some just let the stroke of pen or brush take them wherever its going to take them and then sit in quiet contemplation of the end result.

It has often been hypothesized that our North American Sasquatch make tree and stick structures as a means of some form of communication.
Whether these messages are ones of "Get out! This is my home!", "Hunting is good here" or "Welcome all, come and leave in peace" is anyone's guess. They could be boundary or trail markers, or they could be simply nothing more than the wind and the wood playing tricks on our eyes.
But isn't it fun to wonder if our giant hairy friends love to express themselves with artwork too?
The two pictures below were taken by me on April 13, 2013.
They are of a structure I found nearby when we first bought our home back in 2011. It has stood strong without change since. It is unique in the fact that is symmetrical / double-sided. If it was created by the wind, I should say it is worth a second glance even for that reason alone!
It is detailed and looks as if it were designed with deliberate precision.

Front of structure

Back of structure
The area in which it was found is known for unusual activity including a number of Bigfoot sightings.
Many other structures and possible "nests" have been discovered  near to this one and strange animal calls in the night have been heard such as whoops, screams, howls, and what sound like owl calls but with "something different about them".
Several residents in the area have been witness to these occurences, and many other events have been reported within a ten mile radius of  this structure.
 Is it a marker? Is it art?
Do Sasquatch express their thoughts and feelings through art like we do?
Maybe not.....................but it sure is fun to wonder.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

New blog post within 24 hours

Though life is busy at the moment with projects and upcoming events, I am still working on blogs and videos at this time and should have the newest Raven's Mysterious Haven blog posted by tomorrow evening, and a new video on my Youtube channel within the next week.
As most of you may already know, I have started a new video channel titled 'Raven's Nest' on Youtube and will be periodically adding new and more interesting videos each week (when possible). The first one is a bit of a very rough draft. It's a glimpse of things to come, but future videos will have more features and cool things I won't reveal just yet ; )
Below is my first of the video series 'Raven's Nest'.
**Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE** if you enjoyed the video. Remember, this is only a very rough first draft. Future videos will be enhanced with more features and better quality.Thank you for watching!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just RELAX, man!!

Before going out into the field to do research or going on expedition, I try to make it a point to do something to balance myself emotionally and physically.
I want to go out there without any preconceived notions, judgement or expectations, but I also want to be sure I'm not traipsing through the wilds of who-knows-where all jangled to the core from a disagreement that morning or any other one of life's daily stressors.

To be in tune with nature, and its inhabitants, we need first to be in tune with our own rhythms- physically, mentally, emotionally, and even psychically and spiritually ( if you make practice of them ).
Meditation and meditative breathing are wonderful tools, as too is smudging. (see pictures of me below ) There are many different examples you can research online so I won't go too much into detail here (find one that's comfortable for you), but even if you take a few moments to sit quietly, eyes closed, and focus on your breathing, you'll find your body will automatically begin to seek homeostasis and balance. Breathing a nice gentle deep breath into the belly through the nose to a count of 4 ( both inhalation and exhalation ) is one of my personal favorite ways of balancing myself and clearing negativity in a jiffy if I don't have a lot of time to spend on it. Just a few minutes is enough to get you started and you can even continue doing this exercise out in the field.
 Smudging is an age-old form of clearing away negativity and bringing peace and positive energy to you. A smudge stick is a bundle of dried herbs. It can be any one of a number of herbs or combination of them. My personal favorite to use is a bundle of Sage, Sweetgrass, and Cedar.
Sage banishes negativity, Sweetgrass attracts positive energy, and Cedar is for protection. The smudge stick in the pictures below is white sage.
Again, there are many forms of smudging just as there are ways of meditating. Find what works best for you and your situation.
The main point is to ground and center yourself for the work you will be doing. Being balanced is the first step to going out there and doing great work in your field of research.
If you are stressed when you go into the field, not only will your work not being enjoyable, but the creatures of the forest can certainly sense that energy about you and will either avoid you or react negatively to it.  Remember.....An ounce of prevention( and preparation ) is worth a pound of cure!

In a meditative state of relaxation with spine as straight as possible, aligning the Chakras

Lighting smudge stick. Briefly allow it to flame, then gently blow out flame

Allow it to smolder. The smoke is purifying.

Using a feather to waft smudge smoke

Using hand to waft smoke while focusing on grounding and centering


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Super Croc!

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