Sunday, September 28, 2008

Regarding my lengthy absence

I apologize for being MIA recently,but I,and my family,have been dealing with some major life stressors.
A dear friend of mine passed away on the 8th of September and its left us all a bit shaken and in shock. I needed some time to close off from the world and let it all sink in so I could start the process of healing once again. His death came too soon after my father's untimely passing in June.
Also...Due to water damage in our apartment and a severe mold problem as a result of it,we have had crews working in our home from morning til evening for some time now and there is still quite a bit left to do yet. The carpeting all needs to be replaced and the painters are coming in this week as well.
After that,I will be out of town for a few days,then things should be returning to normal,at least in theory.
I appreciate your patience as I get things in order so I can get back to business as usual with this blog.
My friend Nick Redfern has also had some life stress of his own,so as soon as we get the chance,we'll catch up on things and I'll get his schedule and post "Where the Redfern Goes" once again.

Again,many thanks for your patience.
I hope you are all well and enjoying this beautiful Sunday afternoon.
Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. My condolences on the death of your friend. I also offered sympathy to Nick regarding his troubles.
    Everybody is going through "s--t" right now. Look at the financial meltdown in the country. Have a feeling we won't exit 2008 without a major "bang," if you know what I mean. Once again, my condolences. Hopefully, you will heal quickly.



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