Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dallas-Fort Worth MUFON--Ken Gerhard lecture

My good friend Nick Redfern, on his "There's Something in The Woods" blog, reviews this past weekend's lecture by our other good friend and fellow researcher of all things strange and unknown,Ken Gerhard.

Sounds like it was a very informative and thought provoking lecture. Wish I could've attended. Maybe next time!
Nick gives a recount of the weekend which you can read here :

Flying "Things": A Review

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gable part 2?

It seems more evidence in the Gable case has surfaced.
Either that,or it's segment 2 of a very well executed hoax that has fooled the majority of folks for some time now.
A post over at Cryptomundo has the newly surfaced piece of film footage that seems to show a dismembered body (Warning : GRAPHIC!) which could be that of the person chopping wood in the first Gable film.
View the new footage, the original Gable film, and read the accompanying article here :

Gable film = Werewolf or Bear Attack?

Post a comment and tell me your thoughts about all of this!

Have a howling good Monday afternoon, Haven fans!

Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven Moonshadow

Sunday, July 19, 2009


A mysterious black goo described to the Coast Guard as "an oil-like substance, thick and lingering below the surface of the water" that was first spotted by a group of local Wainright, Alaska hunters out in their boat, has now been dubbed "The Blob" and is making its way farther from the coastline, much to everyone's relief.
But just what is this oddity?
The test results,released on Thursday,conclude that the miles-long stretch of oily goo is non other than a bloom of algae,never before seen in the Chukchi Sea,but not completely unheard of elsewhere.
So far,it has been concluded that the blob is NOT toxic, but further testing is required before that is an absolute.
Read more here :

Arctic Mystery: Identifying the Great Blob of Alaska

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Quick update

Just wanted to let you all know that Ken,Nick,and I still plan to get the radio show going,but there have been a few delays,and the likely launch date will now be more toward September.
All 3 of us have a lot going on at this time,and we want to be sure we'll have the time and energy to devote to the show once we get things rolling.
We have some exciting guests lined up,so be sure to check back from time to time and we'll keep you updated on the progress.

I am also still planning an investigation with the Strange Frequencies crew very soon over in Ohio.
Stay tuned for more info!

Im leaving this short and sweet today as I have a busy day ahead,and I need to finish my cup of coffee and get my rear in gear!

Have a howling good day everyone!

Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven Moonshadow

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Watseka Wonder by Jason Korbus

My good friend Jason Korbus(Strange Frequencies Radio) has just posted a new article over at the Examiner, regarding the Watseka Wonder, a possession that took place back in 1878 in the little town of Watseka, Illinois. It is a very intriguing and bizarre story which I look very forward to reading part 2 of.
Be sure to stay tuned to more of Jason's work! He's an amazing researcher,writer,and radio host!


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