Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back Online!

We are finally settling in to our new place and have internet connection once again!
Im trying furiously to get caught up on all my emails but it may take a few days,so I apologize for the inconvenience if I dont get back to you right away. I will do so as quickly as I can.

I will also be posting all my new contact information on the websites,so please make a note of those changes if you get a chance to get over to those. I'll be making updates here and there,so stay tuned!

I hope this post finds you all well and blessed.
have a howling good day all!

Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven M.


  1. Welcome back, Raven!!! Missed Ya!!!

  2. Thank you so much,cryptids! Missed you too!
    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!



Today's date
Contact information
Email Address
Date of sighting / encounter
Where did this happen?
What time of day did this occur?
What were the weather conditions like?
Were there any other witnesses? If so, how many?
Please explain your encounter/sighting with as much detail as you can remember. Try to recall sounds, sights,what you felt, what others felt, the entire duration of the event, etc.
Would you like me to conduct an investigation?
Do I have your permission to keep your experience on file for future reference and possible publication?
If you answered yes to the previous question, would you like me to keep your name and contact information confidential/anonymous?

Get your own free form like this one.

Super Croc!

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