Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Haven fans!

Thanksgiving is the day we come together with friends and relatives to share a meal and give thanks for all the blessings in our lives.
It's a wonderful tradition and a beautiful reminder that, even though we have all been through hardships and low points in our lives, we are also blessed with many reasons to be thankful.
We should also remember those less fortunate than ourselves. Reach out today and help someone in your community, even if its just sharing a hug and a smile. You never know when a simple act of kindness could save or change a life forever. I have every bit of faith we can make positive changes in the entire world by first starting in our own backyards and communities.
This incredible human experience has already taught me so much in my 42 years, and has brought into my life the most treasured friends and family anyone could ask for.
They have all touched my life in different ways and I give thanks for them not only on this beautiful Thanksgiving day,but always. : )

Speaking of treasured friend...

My good pal Neil Arnold is a folklore researcher and fellow investigator of all things strange. He is especially known for his fieldwork research of "ABC"'s (Alien Big Cats--Large predatory cats known to be in places where they do not belong.)
On November 30,2009, he will be on Coast to Coast radio discussing his study of creatures including winged humanoids, sky serpents, paranormal 'manimals,' hellhounds, and other creatures.
Be sure to tune in on:

Have a happy and safe holiday everyone!

Your Mistress of the Mysterious who is about to stuff herself silly today,
Raven M.


  1. Hope you had a nice Turkey Day, Raven!!! I sure had one!!!
    And hopefully, many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you cryptids! We had a lovely Thanksgiving. Glad to hear you did as well : )
    Have an awesome day!



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Super Croc!

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