Friday, March 5, 2010


If you would like to check out the episode of MonsterQuest that I participated in, it is entitled "America's Wolfman" and it will air on March 24th on the History channel.
You may want to check your local listings for air times.

I have to tell you guys, this was one of the most memorable times in my life thus far.
Those of you who know me personally, know that I and my family have suffered a tremendous amount of loss accompanied by overwhelming stress in the past two years, and this project came as both a healing intermission and a wonderful experience which I will never forget.
The film/production crew and everyone on the expedition were fantastic!
I dont think I have ever laughed so much in my entire life. What a great bunch! We had so much fun in between filming!
They have become a dear part of my heart and hopefully lifelong chums as well. I truly hope our paths come together again in the future.

As with any expedition of this sort, we also had our moments of frustration, exhaustion, and fear as well. But those are the ones we often learn the most from, so they have inspired me as well.

I hope this post finds you all enjoying this beautiful spring-like weather.
Many blessings to you.
Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven M.


  1. Cant wait to see the episode Raven!
    Sorry to hear about your loss, but I am glad to hear you are doing better and back at your work.
    I love reading your blogs!

  2. Thank you Dave.
    The kind words are much appreciated.

    Im loving the warmer temperatures and am glad spring is almost here. Got some pretty interesting expeditions coming up this summer and Im eager to get moving!

    Have an awesome day and thanks again for the comment!

  3. Don't know if we get it over in the UK, but looking forward to seeing it regardless! I'm sure there's Youtube! ;)

  4. Im not sure either if it airs over there, but you can probably check the MQ site to see what the availabilities are. If not ,like you said, there's always Youtube. I've seen several episodes posted on it.
    Enjoy the day, my friend! And thank you for stopping by : )

  5. Also looking forward to the episode. Congrats on it being so fun, Raven...

    Speaking of the Wolfman...
    Did ya see the new Del Toro/Hopkins movie version???
    Great special effects but the story left a lot to be desired.
    Good to look at, though.
    And Del Toro WAS an intriguing Lawrence Talbot, if nothing else.

    Personally I still like Lon Chaney, Jr.
    Anyway, hope you do enjoy the spring weather!!!

  6. Thank you,Cryptids!
    It was indeed a great experience.
    Filming and investigating were serious business. We had some scary as well as frustrating times too. But altogther it was a great experience and the crew were all a real fun bunch to work with.

    As for the Del Toro movie, sadly I did not get a chance to see that yet.
    But alas, some day when my schedule permits, I shall!

    Be well my friend.
    Enjoy the day!



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