Friday, October 23, 2009

Fortean writer Mac Tonnies has passed away at age 34

This news was just given to me by fellow researcher and dear friend Nick Redfern,who was a very close friend of Mr. Tonnies.
You can read Nick's post here:


Please send Nick your regards ,as he is terribly shaken up and grieving.

All our love to you Nick.


  1. I already gave my regards, Raven.
    Wonder what he died of, though? Most 34-year olds don't just suddenly drop dead.
    Regardless, this is a tremendous loss. RIP, Mac.

  2. Yeah its pretty weird,cryptids.
    34 year olds arent usually described as dying from natural causes.

  3. Nick has talked with Mac's mother and apparently it was Mac's heart. Poor guy. Yep. Like I said, Undiagnosed condition. People have Bombs in their body and don't know.

  4. Awww,thats so sad,cryptids. Thank you for the info.
    I'll be talking to Nick tomorrow morning,because Ive been out of town on expedition for the past few days. I havent been near a computer.
    Thank you for letting me know.



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