Friday, April 16, 2010

Michigan feral Pig FAQ update

For those of you wondering what the regulations and restrictions are in regards to the taking of feral swine in Michigan, I have provided some information below which comes directly from Michigan DNR resources. There is also a link to a map provided at the bottom of this post to show you which counties allow shooting:

Feral Swine FAQ:

What is a Feral Swine?
A Feral Swine is a free-ranging pig.

Is it legal to harvest a Feral Swine?
Yes, if you are legally hunting game during an open season (of any type) and see a
swine you may pursue that animal if you wish, following all the regulations of the open
season which you are hunting. (Please note: There is an open season of some species
365 days of the year.) For open seasons and regulations, please view the most current
Michigan Hunting and Trapping Guide.

What type of hunting license do I need to pursue Feral Swine?
A valid hunting license of any type is all that is needed.

When can I legally harvest a feral swine?
Any time during regular hunting hours and when actively night hunting Raccoon,
Opossum, Fox and Coyote. (Please be sure to follow all day and night hunting
regulations for the season in which you are hunting game. Refer to the current Michigan
Hunting and Trapping Guide
for details.)

What counties in Michigan are NOT open to the taking of feral swine?
See the link to map provided below.

Why aren’t all of Michigan’s counties open to the taking of feral swine?
Feral swine are not defined as wildlife. Swine are agricultural products. Determining
whether a swine is a feral animal or a temporarily escaped farm animal is virtually
impossible unless the animal is marked in some visible manner. It is up to the individual
county prosecutor to authorize the taking of feral swine. Prosecution for the taking of
feral swine is still a possibility in counties where such permission has not been granted.

Can I shoot feral swine on private property?
Yes, as long as you have permission from the landowner and have a valid hunting
license of any type.

Can I shoot feral swine on Public land?
Yes, on public lands open to public hunting.

What can I use to shoot feral swine?
You can only carry with you the firearm or bow and arrows allowed for that open season
in which you are hunting. There are restrictions on the use of high powered rifles during
the firearm deer season, November 15th-30th. For a detailed listing of all the
regulations, please view the current Michigan Hunting and Trapping Guide.

Can I use dogs to pursue swine? If so, when and where?
Yes, except April 15 – July 8 (which is closed to use of dogs).

Can I use bait to lure swine?

Can I shoot swine from a tree stand?
Yes, if you are bow hunting. Also, anyone who is hunting bear, deer, fox or coyote with a
firearm may shoot swine from a tree stand.

Can I use an artificial light at night to assist in shooting swine?
Yes, within the night time predator (Raccoon, Opossum, Fox and Coyote) hunting
regulations, while engaged in these activities. For a detailed listing of these regulations,
please view the current Michigan Hunting and Trapping Guide.

When I shoot or see a feral swine, who do I contact?
Department of Natural Resources: 517-336-5030 or email;
Department of Agriculture: 1-800-292-3939 and press "4" for the Animal Industry
Division or USDA Wildlife Services: 517-336-1928.

Am I required to submit a harvested swine for disease testing?
No, testing of harvested swine is voluntary. Contact Kristine Brown (DNR) 517-336-
5030 or Dave Marks (USDA) 517-336-1928 if you wish to turn in a swine blood sample
or swine head for disease testing. Feral swine will be tested for tuberculosis, classic
swine fever, brucellosis, pseudorabies, and trichinosis.

Last Updated: Feb 12, 2010 :

Michigan Counties that Allow the Shooting
of Feral Swine


  1. Pennsylvania is doing this too. I really don't get why they're being afforded the same protections as native species. They're invasives, and it's not like hunters will be screwing up the ecosystem by killing the hogs...

  2. They use the hunting regualtions, not to protect the the swine but to protect the other species from being hunted in an unapproved manner. All hunters out at a certain time must behave in the same manner so that he officials can regulate the valued species hunting. Pigs is just extra and in the way of what is really going on.



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