Monday, December 6, 2010

Marshall County, Alabama -- black cat attack

We are seeing a rise in encounters / sightings of these elusive beasts all across the U.S.
Some of the witnesses have unfortunately been on "the business end" of tooth and claw. Read here about an Alabama man's recent narrow escape :

Alabama Man Attacked By Black Panther

Sunday, November 28, 2010


A scientist named Sergey Zimov in Chersky, Russia has found an interesting way to prove his theory that slowing the effects of global warming can be filling Siberia with grass-eaters!
One scientist's hobby: recreating the ice age

What are your thoughts, haven fans?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Disco beaver from Outer Space, eat your heart out! WE have crypto-rats from Roswell!!

Close chum and fellow researcher of all things strange and unusual, Nick Redfern, has managed once again to dig up one of the strangest accounts I've ever heard!
Crypto rats at Roswell? Yep, you read that right!
This is a MUST read, folks.
You can read the whole post here :
You don't want to miss this post of Redfern's. If you don't already think about it, this one'll truly make you wonder what in the hell else our government is hiding from us.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Breaking A Cryptozoological Taboo! True Giants!

"Do giant primates larger than gorillas, taller than Sasquatch and Yetis, still exist in the remotest corners of the globe? Famed cryptozoologists Mark A. Hall and Loren Coleman join forces to share their knowledge of this unexplored and neglected topic in cryptozoology."

Read more about this fascinating new book and the research behind it by going to :

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Time travelling Charlie Chaplin fan?

No doubt, by now you have all heard about the "time traveller" discovered in a piece of 1928 footage which allegedly shows a woman speaking into something(alleged at first to be a cell phone) held tightly to her ear, and even smiling as she is having a conversation.

Well, the mystery may have been solved even before being fully launched across the internet and airwaves.
In doing paranormal research of ANY kind, one must always remember that the simplest answer is probably the most accurate. (Remember the acronym KISS? -Keep It Simple Stupid, or Occam's Razor?)

Take a look at this site and decide for yourself :

And below is the video in its entirety. The only curious question yet remaining to be answered is who on earth is she conversing with? She is clearly unaccompanied, and yet she is smiling and seemingly talking to someone. Perhaps a case of schizophrenia? Another hoax?
You decide!
**Click on video twice for full screen**

Monday, October 25, 2010


A new Air Force manual for cyberwarfare describes a shadowy, fast-changing world where anonymous enemies can carry out devastating attacks in seconds and where conventional ideas about time and space don't apply.
Does it sound like the newest sci fi novel?
It isn't. It's really happening.
Read more here:

Air Force manual describes shadowy cyberwar world

Thursday, October 14, 2010


This is a photo I took on the 12th of October that shows what I suspect to be "chemtrails"
They had the classic dispersed look and lingered in the sky for about two hours, maybe longer. I had to leave that day to go run errands, so I was unable to monitor them any longer than that. To view more photos and see related links, please go to:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mysterious crack in the earth shakes up U.P. residents but one man has theanswer to the puzzle!

Being originally from the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, this story definitely caught my eye and made me take note.
A ground fissure opened up in Stephensen, Michigan, after a loud "boom" was heard that shook houses in the area around it.
Ground fissures can be caused from any of a number of things including horizontal movements of sediments that occurs when water is pumped from the ground, gas reservoirs, and even collapsed mines.
But this one had the authorities scratching their heads.
There seemed to be no immediate cause for why the ground has opened up.
Trees are tilted at a 30 degree angle on either side of the fissure, and the fissure is already 200 yards long and the ground raised up 5 ft.
But listen to what this man has to say, and you may find that mysterious crack in the earth isnt so mysterious after all!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Yes, you read that right!
Check out CRYPTOMUNDO for a little Sasquatch mammary lesson.
There may be a pop quiz, so pay attention Haven fans!

Monday, September 27, 2010

TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER? The U.N.'s official alien ambassador

Looks like we've just moved to the next level in space affairs.
If E.T. is out there, then astrophysicist Dr. Mazlan Othman
(M. Othman? Mothman? Hmm) will be the first to roll out the red carpet, put on the tea, and invite us all to the party.
A party, most will agree on, that has been going on long before the invitations will ever be sent out.

This kind of announcement always makes me wonder just how long 'they' have already kept the big secret from us and toyed with our desire to believe. It's a secret some folks have had the inside firsthand experience of, but were told they're "crazy" or "misinformed" or "blind" or " liars" The vicious cycle goes on.
Is this one step closer to an admission? Or a rather timely and well orchestrated joke.

To read all about Dr. Othman's 'position' and the Office for Outer Space Affairs, go here:

UN answers 'take me to your leader' with official alien ambassador

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Is this the Flatwoods monster?"

Good friend Nick Redfern has a very interesting post over at his page today which covers new and intriguing information regarding the 1952 Braxton county(Flatwoods, West Virginia) eye witness acount of a strange unidentified aerial vehicle which crash landed on a rural hilltop, and from which an even stranger 12 foot tall "being" emerged.
What are the new fascinating details regarding this well known case?
You'll have to click below and read Nick's page to find out more!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bigfoot Love

From whistles and whoops to woodknocking and tree structures, we can obviously assume our elusive man-beast is intelligent.
But what of his emotions and sex drive?
Do Bigfoot cry? Do they woo their mates? Do they turn down the stars and play their favorite Barry White album when they wanna "get their groove on"?

We all remember the flack that Loren Coleman took after his lecture in Ohio on the Big Guy where he, in passing, made mention(lightheartedly of course) that he wondered if a percentage of the Bigfoot population were gay, just as in our own homo sapiens.
It may sound silly at first.....but what IF?
If it turns out to be a flesh and blood creature, it is most certainly reproducing SOMEhow!
Reproducing,whether man or ape or something in between or related, means SEX is involved somewhere along the line, my little chickadees!
And if sex is involved in this category of sentient being, it can mean a higher rate of certainty that EMOTION is indeed involved in their mating.
Frans de Waal, who has done extensive research and authored books on Bonobos was quoted as saying in an interview "Same-sex, opposite-sexbonobos just love sex play, They have so much sex, it gets boring."
Read more about this intriguing primate in Frans' book :

If Bonobos share our love of sex, why can't our beloved Bigfoot?

It's one of those things that make me go "hmmmmmm"
Thought admittedly, you wont find me out on investigation any time soon wearing designer perfume and traipsing about through the underbrush in my Victoria Secret "frillies and laceys"....................................................just in case.

I hope this was mildly entertaining and even a tad bit thought provoking.
Have a howling good evening, Haven fans!

Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven M.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nick Redfern's new book --- Final Events : Demonic UFOs, Alien Abductions, The Government, And The Afterlife

"For decades, stories of alien abductions, UFO encounters, Flying Saucer sightings, and Area 51 have led millions of people to believe that extraterrestrials are secretly amongst us. But what if those same millions of people are all wrong? What if the UFO phenomenon has much darker, and far more ominous, origins than the realm of outer-space?"
Pick up a copy of my friend Nick's most recent mind blowing, perception altering masterpiece. You'll never feel the same after you read:

FINAL EVENTS : Demonic UFOs, Alien Abductions, The Government, And The Afterlife

Monday, August 30, 2010


This week on Exploring All Realms, as promised, we have a very exciting guest!
JC Johnson is president of the North American Fortean Society(NAFS), a founding member of the crew over at Crypto Four Corners, and has been a professional river and outdoor guide for over twenty years. His knowledge, atunement with nature, and undying faith make him an invaluable force in the field of research and investigations.
His experiences with "Squatch", "the scragglies", and many aspects of the realms of paranormal and cryptozoological are nothing short of amazing accounts that will be sure to make your breath catch in your chest for a moment and leave you wondering whether you should check under your bed tonight before you dare close your eyes.
Join us this coming Thursday evening (September 2) at 9 pm EST for an evening of thrilling firsthand accounts and some startling new revelations that may just change the face of cryptozoology and history from this day forward.

In JC's own words:


"I have long loved "God's Creation" - the great "Out of Doors" and into other doors I have found myself to have passed through. Some of these doors, open to darkness, some to light, a discerning soul will judge which of them is the good portion."

JC Johnson

Please visit these sites and links to contact JC or learn a bit more about him and his important works :

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The New York Sun in 1946 described Mr. Pinney as “a hard man to pin down” because of his myriad achievements. Truth to tell, he was just getting started.

He became a nationally acclaimed baby photographer, wrote two dozen books on subjects like caves and biblical animals, helped create the genre of television nature shows and survived to be one of the last journalists to have covered the Normandy invasion, in which he was wounded.

Other distinctions include making more than 160 expeditions to exotic locales, winning a prize for a short movie at a film festival in Cannes in 1963 and having a photograph exhibited at the Guggenheim in a 2004 show that included images by Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Read more of this tribute to Roy Pinney over at :


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010 on Exploring All Realms with Redfern and Raven :

Picture This week's guest on Exploring All Realms is North Carolina-based researcher and author Micah A. Hanks. Hanks has long been fascinated with the more unique scientific mysteries this world has to offer, since taking up an interest in UFOs as a child. Since that time, he has grown to favor a more skeptical approach to studying strange phenomenon, calling himself a"self-proclaimed (but not self-righteous) skeptic." His articles and other contributions have been featured in magazines like FATE Magazine, Fortean Times, Mysteries Magazine, UFO Magazine, TCS Daily, The Journal of Anomalous Sciences and several others. His study of altered states of consciousness, psychedelic drugs and the prevalence of similarities between archetypal folklore from around the world culminated in the book, Magic, Mysticism and the Molecule, in 2010. Hanks has appeared on numerous television programs, including the Travel Channel's Weird Travels program, National Geographic’s Paranatural, and the History Channel’s Guts and Bolts during his tenure as an investigator with the L.E.M.U.R. Research Team between 2004 and 2010. Hanks runs the Gralien Report site, which reports regularly on matters of a ufological, cryptozoological, and Fortean nature, and which can be found at

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Interested in the Cannock cats or the Houston batman?

You can find out about these creatures and more over at my good pal, Nick Redfern's

"THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE WOODS!" Cryptozoology, Strange Creatures, Monsters And More...

Check out his site and leave him some feedback. He would love to hear from you!

Have a howling good night, Haven fans!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Author, artist, filmmaker and well known Fortean investigator, Bart Nunnelly has been studying all aspects of the unexplained in his native western Kentucky for over 25 years. His wanderings throughout the Bluegrass bottomlands have brought him face to face with such creatures as Bigfoot, black panthers, water monsters and several other curious Kentucky cryptids including a Thunderbird in 1998 - something no other living researcher can presently claim. In addition to legendary beasts, Nunnelly has also experienced spectral phenomena and UFO activity on multiple occasions. His first book, "Mysterious Kentucky"
was published in 2007 by Whitechapel Press to much acclaim and his next two works "The Inhumanoids! Real Encounters With Beings That Can't Exist," and "Bigfoot In Kentucky" are both due out later this year by CFZ Press
and Whitechapel Press, respectively. His crytpo-art has been widely featured in everything from children's books to television shows throughout the world and his first documentary, "Hunt The Dogman," a rousing investigation of Kentucky's werewolf sightings, was released in 2007 by Grendel Films.
He is currently working on his second crypto-documentary film project, "The Spottsville Monster," with McGill Media Llc, out of Louisville.


Have a howling good day folks!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New red panda discovery in Tennessee!

Over at Cryptomundo, you'll find the whole story on this amazing discovery at the Gray Fossil site in Tennessee :

Dont forget that on 'Exploring All Realms with Redfern and Raven' tonight we have special guest Linda Godfrey! And good friend Ken Gerhard will be filling in for Nick as co-host. You can check us out at :

Monday, August 2, 2010

Exploring All Realms: This week---Linda Godfrey joins us!

Join us on Thursday night at 9 pm EST as we speak with Linda Godfrey! Ken Gerhard will be filling in for Nick as co-host. The three of us should have a lot of fun and good werewolfy discussions!

Linda S. Godfrey is an author, artist and investigator who specializes in strange creatures, people and phenomena. Some of her books include The Beast of Bray Road, Hunting the American Werewolf, Weird Michigan, Strange Wisconsin, and to be released September 2010: The Michigan Dogman, Werewolves and Unknown Canines Across the USA. She has appeared on the History Channel's Monsterquest, SyFy's New In Search Of, America's Scariest Places, Fox News Sean Hannity,Coast to Coast AM and many other national TV and radio shows.
She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and their dog Grendel. Contact or follow her at

And dont forget to check out my blog at the crypto haven!

Have a howling good day, Haven fans!
-Raven M

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Listen in to SEPIA and Para-x radio for Ken Gerhard and I

August 2nd at 10 pm EST, Ken Gerhard and I will be on their show. You can click the banner below for more details. I am both very excited and very honored to have been asked to be on the show.
I am really looking forward to it.
And speaking of Ken Gerhard, he is going to be our guest on Exploring All Realms this week, so be sure to tune in! Should be a fantastic show.
And next week he'll be joining me on the air as guest host to fill in for Nick while Nick is away doing a lecture. I am going to keep the guest for that show a secret for now, but believe me, you'll want to tune in! Having both Ken and this guest on the show at the same time is going to make for an amazing discussion and we'll have a hard time keeping it to an hour!

Stay tuned Haven fans!
And have a howling good evening!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dinner, Dallas and Diabolical Creatures!

If you're going to be in the Dallas area on OCTOBER 9,2010 , you'll definitely want to attend ! :
MONSTERS OF TEXAS with NICK REDFERN presented by the Dallas Area Paranormal Society.

Friday, July 16, 2010

First episode of Exploring All Realms with Redfern and Raven

Last night's very first episode of 'Exploring All Realms with Redfern and Raven' went well. We had a couple of small glitches to work out, but overall things went smoothly and we were very pleased.
Brad Steiger was an amazing guest and we hope to have him back again for a future show.

With time, I hope to be more comfortable as I gain experience as a radio host. My good friend and co-host Nick Redfern made it all flow beautifully and we had a good time learning more about Brad Steiger and his various works in the field of paranormal and psychical research.
His knowledge, sincerity and endearing light heartedness made him a wonderful choice as a first guest and I think last night paved the way for a bright future for Exploring All Realms.

If anyone would like to listen to the archive of last night's show, it should be up and running some time this afternoon at

Next week we have Timothy Green Beckley joining us , so be sure to tune in!

Thank you so much to all of you who tuned in last night as we went live for the first time!
Have a howling good day, Haven fans!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday Night: Weirdness on the Radio!!

I’m very pleased to announce that from this coming Thursday night (July 15) at 9PM EST I will be co-hosting a regular, weekly, 1-hour-long radio show with good friend Nick Redfern called Exploring All Realms. For all the information on times, schedules, guests and more, see:

NOTE: the show was due to begin last month, but Nick's time away back in the UK for his mom’s funeral meant we had to reschedule things; however, all is now up and ready for this week – and indeed for each future week.

If you are an author, researcher, investigator or eyewitness and want to be a guest on the show, do let us know via this email address. Or, if you are a publisher and would like your authors to be on the show, let us know and we’ll be pleased to have them on.

And, if you would like to post the banner for the show to your site, let us know and we'll send it along as an attachment.

Exploring All Realms with Redfern and Raven:

EXPLORING ALL REALMS with Nick Redfern and Raven Meindel is an exciting, vibrant and mystery-packed talk-show devoted to just about everything paranormal, supernatural, cryptozoological and ufological. Each week, Nick and Raven will be speaking with leading investigators, researchers, eye-witnesses and authors in their respective genres as they seek out the truth about the mysteries of this world and beyond, including Bigfoot, ghosts, psychic phenomena, alien encounters, conspiracies and cover-ups. For all the information on times, schedules, guests and more, see:

EPISODE 1: We are very pleased to announce that, for the first episode of Exploring All Realms with Redfern and Raven, the guest will be the acclaimed author Brad Steiger. An expert on numerous aspects of the world of the unknown, Brad has penned approximately 170 books, with no less than 17 million copies in print. His huge list of titles include Shadow World; The Werewolf Book; Real Vampires; Strangers From The Skies; and Worlds Before Our Own.

And, on Exploring All Realms, Brad will be speaking with us about his brand new book, Real Zombies: The Living Dead, And Creatures Of The Apocalypse. For more data on Brad, check out his website that he runs with his wife Sherry: Brad & Sherry Steiger’s Mysteries and Miracles which can be found at Don’t miss the chance to hear the words of a true legend in the realms of the paranormal, the supernatural, ufology, and strange creatures!

Nick Redfern is the author of numerous books on the world of the paranormal, including There’s something in the Woods; Science Fiction Secrets; Contactees; Memoirs of a Monster Hunter; and A Covert Agenda. He has appeared on many TV shows, including the SyFy Channel’s Proof Positive; the History Channel’s Monster Quest; the BBC’s Out of this World; and the National Geographic Channel’s Paranatural. He can be contacted at his website:

Raven Meindel runs the blogs Raven’s Crypto Haven ( and Raven’s Mysterious Haven ( She has appeared on the History Channel’s Monster Quest, and is the Michigan representative of the British-based Center for Fortean Zoology – a full-time group dedicated to the investigation of unknown animals, such as the Abominable Snowman, the Chupacabras, and the Loch Ness Monster – and has written for the CFZ’s in-house magazine, Animals & Men.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

'MONSTERS OF TEXAS' is available now!

My two good friends and fellow researchers, Ken Gerhard and Nick Redfern have teamed up for a new book that openly discusses what science won't admit to us ......Texas is chock full 'o monsters!
Mysterious beasts roam, slither, float, and fly from border to border across the vast Lone Star state, and this book tells all when it comes to stories and statistics.

Be sure to pick up your very own copy of it today by clicking here :


Thursday, June 10, 2010


Good morning Haven fans,
Due to unfortunate circumstances, 'Exploring All Realms' will not go on the air tonight.
My co-host and dear friend, Nick Redfern has lost his Mother and he needs to be with his family right now.
Please let your thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family as they cope with this loss.
We'll keep you all posted the best we can, but please keep an eye out for updates at as well.

Thank you all for your support.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I'm very pleased to announce that from next Thursday night (June 10) at 9PM EST I will be co-hosting a regular, weekly, 1-hour-long radio show with good friend Nick Redfern called Exploring All Realms.

For all the information on times, schedules, guests and more, see:

If you are an author, researcher, investigator or eyewitness and want to be a guest on the show, do let us know via this email address :
Or, if you are a publisher and would like your authors to be on the show, let us know and we'll be pleased to have them on. And, if you would like to post the banner for the show to your site, let me know and I'll send it along as an attachment. Feel free to cut-paste the info on, and link to, the show that is contained in this email and re-post.

EXPLORING ALL REALMS with Nick Redfern and Raven Meindel is an exciting, vibrant and mystery-packed talk-show devoted to just about everything paranormal, supernatural, cryptozoological and ufological. Each week, Nick and Raven will be speaking with leading investigators, researchers, eye-witnesses and authors in their respective genres as they seek out the truth about the mysteries of this world and beyond, including Bigfoot, ghosts, psychic phenomena, alien encounters, conspiracies and cover-ups. For all the information on times, schedules, guests and more, see:

EPISODE 1: We are very pleased to announce that, for the first episode of Exploring All Realms with Redfern and Raven, the guest will be the acclaimed author Brad Steiger.

An expert on numerous aspects of the world of the unknown, Brad has penned approximately 170 books, with no less than 17 million copies in print. His huge list of titles include Shadow World; The Werewolf Book; Real Vampires; Strangers From The Skies; and Worlds Before Our Own. And, on Exploring All Realms, Brad will be speaking with us about his brand new book, Real Zombies: The Living Dead, And Creatures Of The Apocalypse. For more data on Brad, check out his website that he runs with his wife Sherry: Brad & Sherry Steiger's Mysteries and Miracles which can be found at Don't miss the chance to hear the words of a true legend in the realms of the paranormal, the supernatural, ufology, and strange creatures!

: Nick Redfern is the author of numerous books on the world of the paranormal, including There’s something in the Woods; Science Fiction Secrets; Contactees; Memoirs of a Monster Hunter; and A Covert Agenda. He has appeared on many TV shows, including the SyFy Channel’s Proof Positive; the History Channel’s Monster Quest; the BBC’s Out of this World; and the National Geographic Channel’s Paranatural. He can be contacted at his website:

ABOUT RAVEN MEINDEL: Raven Meindel runs the blogs Raven’s Crypto Haven ( and Raven’s Mysterious Haven ( She has appeared on the History Channel’s Monster Quest, and is the Michigan representative of the British-based Center for Fortean Zoology, a full-time group dedicated to the investigation of unknown animals, such as the Abominable Snowman, the Chupacabras, and the Loch Ness Monster, and has written for the CFZ's in house magazine Animals & Men.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is an Oarfish?

Last week I directed you all to a post by Ken Gerhard regarding the oil spill and how it may affect all creatures, known and cryptid alike.
In his post he had mentioned the giant and elusive Oarfish. For those of you unsure of what an Oarfish actually looks like, this article in from Sweden just today should give you a good idea! :

A "giant herring" measuring 3.5 metres (11.4 feet) has been discovered off Sweden's western coast -- the first such fish found in the Scandinavian country in more than 130 years, a maritime museum said Tuesday.

The Regalecus glesne, known as the King of Herrings or Giant Oarfish, was found dead in the small fishing village of Bovallstrand on Sweden's west coast, about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from the Norwegian border.

To read more,go here:

Eleven-foot 'giant herring' found off Sweden

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ken Gerhard on the recent oil spill

Good afternoon Haven fans!
We all know the devastation an oil spill can have on the environment and its inhabitants, but my good friend and fellow researcher Ken Gerhard has some interesting things to say about how it may affect all species, including our beloved cryptids. Please check out his latest blog to find out what he has to say :
Oil Spill may Threaten Gulf Sea Serpents

Another fellow researcher and good chum of mine, Nick Redfern, has a new blog site where you can check out all of his books. Be sure to pop in and have a look!

Have a howling good day,Haven fans!
Your Mistress of the mysterious,
Raven M

Friday, April 16, 2010

Michigan feral Pig FAQ update

For those of you wondering what the regulations and restrictions are in regards to the taking of feral swine in Michigan, I have provided some information below which comes directly from Michigan DNR resources. There is also a link to a map provided at the bottom of this post to show you which counties allow shooting:

Feral Swine FAQ:

What is a Feral Swine?
A Feral Swine is a free-ranging pig.

Is it legal to harvest a Feral Swine?
Yes, if you are legally hunting game during an open season (of any type) and see a
swine you may pursue that animal if you wish, following all the regulations of the open
season which you are hunting. (Please note: There is an open season of some species
365 days of the year.) For open seasons and regulations, please view the most current
Michigan Hunting and Trapping Guide.

What type of hunting license do I need to pursue Feral Swine?
A valid hunting license of any type is all that is needed.

When can I legally harvest a feral swine?
Any time during regular hunting hours and when actively night hunting Raccoon,
Opossum, Fox and Coyote. (Please be sure to follow all day and night hunting
regulations for the season in which you are hunting game. Refer to the current Michigan
Hunting and Trapping Guide
for details.)

What counties in Michigan are NOT open to the taking of feral swine?
See the link to map provided below.

Why aren’t all of Michigan’s counties open to the taking of feral swine?
Feral swine are not defined as wildlife. Swine are agricultural products. Determining
whether a swine is a feral animal or a temporarily escaped farm animal is virtually
impossible unless the animal is marked in some visible manner. It is up to the individual
county prosecutor to authorize the taking of feral swine. Prosecution for the taking of
feral swine is still a possibility in counties where such permission has not been granted.

Can I shoot feral swine on private property?
Yes, as long as you have permission from the landowner and have a valid hunting
license of any type.

Can I shoot feral swine on Public land?
Yes, on public lands open to public hunting.

What can I use to shoot feral swine?
You can only carry with you the firearm or bow and arrows allowed for that open season
in which you are hunting. There are restrictions on the use of high powered rifles during
the firearm deer season, November 15th-30th. For a detailed listing of all the
regulations, please view the current Michigan Hunting and Trapping Guide.

Can I use dogs to pursue swine? If so, when and where?
Yes, except April 15 – July 8 (which is closed to use of dogs).

Can I use bait to lure swine?

Can I shoot swine from a tree stand?
Yes, if you are bow hunting. Also, anyone who is hunting bear, deer, fox or coyote with a
firearm may shoot swine from a tree stand.

Can I use an artificial light at night to assist in shooting swine?
Yes, within the night time predator (Raccoon, Opossum, Fox and Coyote) hunting
regulations, while engaged in these activities. For a detailed listing of these regulations,
please view the current Michigan Hunting and Trapping Guide.

When I shoot or see a feral swine, who do I contact?
Department of Natural Resources: 517-336-5030 or email;
Department of Agriculture: 1-800-292-3939 and press "4" for the Animal Industry
Division or USDA Wildlife Services: 517-336-1928.

Am I required to submit a harvested swine for disease testing?
No, testing of harvested swine is voluntary. Contact Kristine Brown (DNR) 517-336-
5030 or Dave Marks (USDA) 517-336-1928 if you wish to turn in a swine blood sample
or swine head for disease testing. Feral swine will be tested for tuberculosis, classic
swine fever, brucellosis, pseudorabies, and trichinosis.

Last Updated: Feb 12, 2010 :

Michigan Counties that Allow the Shooting
of Feral Swine

Friday, April 9, 2010

This just in from Tim Beckley

This is an important update from Timothy Green Beckley
publisher of the Conspiracy Journal - Inner Light Publications - Global Communications :

"We really need your support at this time and hope you will place an order by any of the
various means available. We have some really super offers this issue( CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ) with already lower prices than you will find anywhere else.

And please read the following pertaining to what will be an historic broadcast.





Featuring The Military Personnel Who Were There In Rendlesham Forest When “Something” From “Somewhere” Landed And Attempted TO Establish Contact

* * * *

On Sunday April 11, the “Behind the Paranormal” radio show will have a special three hour broadcast to mark the 30th anniversary of the Rendlesham/ Bentwaters incident. This will be a landmark show that involves a case that may be the most credible UFO event of recent times.

The panelists will be Rendlesham Forest UFO incident eyewitnesses Col. Charles Halt (Ret.) and John Burroughs, and witness/whistleblower Larry Warren. Bill Birnes of The History Channel’s “UFO Hunters and publisher of UFO Magazine will also appear. Rounding out the panel is investigative writer Peter Robbins, co-author, along with Warren, of the British best seller, Left At East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-up and Investigation.

Nick Pope, well known UFO author and formerly of Her Majesty’s Ministry of Defence will unfortunately be in flight at the time of the broadcast, so we plan to do a 10-15 minute pre-record with him filling the audience in on the actual background of the Bentwaters affair.

Phoned in questions and e mails will be accepted. Bookmark this important web site NOW so you won’t forget. . .

"The most intelligent and informative paranormal talk show anywhere!"
Live Sundays at 7 p.m. Eastern, 4 Pacific on
Rebroadcasts Saturdays at 7 p.m. Eastern, 4 Pacific

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A new page and new adventures.

I find myself yearning for the 70 degree temperatures we had just days ago as I sit here at my computer writing this blog and contemplating the adventures in store for me this summer. I am busy making some new equipment purchases, wrapping up details for Nick Redfern and I's radio show "Exploring All Realms" and I have even started a new website that is far more user friendly than my old site : CRYPTORAVEN
My old teammates from Moonshadow Investigations have their new team up and running ,so please be sure to check them out at

I will remain a consultant for them on some investigations regarding creature sightings, but the time was right for me to move on, take some of the irons out of the fire, and pass the torch on to Jimmy Trick, my dear friend, a great team leader, and one hell of an investigator. I know they are going great places and I am happy that I am here to witness their beginning.

As far as crypto news, I am working on two signficant interviews that you will not want to miss, so be sure to stay tuned for more!

Have a howling good day, Haven fans!

Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven M.

Monday, April 5, 2010

So long Moonshadow Investigations. I'll miss you.

It comes with great sadness that I tell youof my decision to move on from and close down
Moonshadow Investigations, the paranormal investigations organization that I founded and co-managed with my dear friend Jimmy Trick.
Jimmy is a great team leader and a very knowledgeable investigator as well as tech manager.
He will be moving on to form his own team that will hopefully include some of the members from M.I.
I have made this decision because I currently have too many irons in the fire and I need to simplify things, slow down a bit, and concentrate my focus strictly on my cryptozoological studies and investigations and continue on with my writing for the CFZ and doing work as an Intuitive advisor/ dream analyst.
As some of you know already, Nick Redfern and I will be starting a radio show very soon entitled "Exploring All Realms", and my time needs to be devoted to that as well.
Nick and I have some cool adventures planned, so please stay tuned to see what we'll be up to next ; )

I hope everyone is out enjoying the weather and exploring the forest!
Blessings to all on this beautiful day.
Your Mistress of the mysterious,
Raven Moonshadow Meindel

Thursday, March 25, 2010

MY two cents about the Gable/MQ situation

Good morning everyone.
Firstly, Id like to thank you for all the compliments I have been recieving about my part in the expedition for MonsterQuest. I had a great time out there with the crew and team, and learned a lot about being on film as well. (As some of you already know, this was my very first exposure on national television. )
The first thing I learned was that the camera really DOES add ten pounds, and wearing 30 pounds of cold weather and rain gear is NOT flattering to my hips and shoulders. It made me look like an offensive linebacker for the New York Jets! The Raven was not happy!
That being said......
Though I haven't read through all of my emails yet, I have seen several this morning that concerned me and I really would like to put my two cents in about the whole MonsterQuest/Gable controversy especially regarding my friend and one of my mentors in this field,Linda Godfrey.
While I understand the feelings of dissapointment of the truth being withheld for a period of time, I think we should take a serious look at the history behind all of this situation in its entirety, and realize that, while researchers and writers always want their public to know the TRUTH of the matters at hand, these things often take time to be brought to light a little at a time and with respect to ALL involved. And sometimes, our hands are just TIED. I give Linda a ton of credit for being able to delicately handle this situation and maintain silence about it until they felt it was the right time to bring it into the open. That doesn't mean LINDA was wanting to keep it away from you all for that long, it meant she was doing a professional job of keeping information "inside the circle" until they, again I stress THEY were ready to reveal it.
How many people do you know who can do that?
And to begin with, she didnt have any definitive proof she could just hand over to the public,anyway. She did the right thing in holding off and allowing things to unfold. She was put in a horrible position and did the best she could with it.
She is a professional in EVERY sense of the word. She has worked diligently to investigate, research, write, and most importantly,bring you all the truth of what is going on. And you couldnt know the frustration and heartache she probably felt having to keep this quiet for so long when she wanted so badly for you all to know the truth IMMEDIATELY.
Alot of people were kept silent, by the way. Not just Linda.
And just for the record, TV is TV, folks.
How it gets edited at the end of the day is completely out of the crew and team's hands. We had no more idea what was going to be the final product of the show than you did. We were all just out their doing the jobs we love to do and wanting the truth...just like YOU.

The fingers are definitely being pointed in the wrong direction on this one , folks!

Most importantly to remember here is the fact that MANY CREDIBLE WITNESSES have had experiences with creatures that defy orothodox science. One hoaxer's admission of a widespread prank does not devalue their accounts and frightening ordeals.

We are STILL on the hunt for the Beast, and each and every day we get closer to the answer of what is truly going on in our world.
Use discretion, analyze carefully, but remember too to keep an open mind.

I hope this helps clear up a few concerns.

Have a howling good day, haven fans!
Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven Moonshadow

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nick Redfern's weird weekend airport adventure :

My good friend Nick is no stranger to odd experiences in the woods, but this particular adventure of his was at the airport, and one of my favorite stories to hear him tell.
I know you'll enjoy it too:


Have a howling good day, Haven fans!

Friday, March 5, 2010


If you would like to check out the episode of MonsterQuest that I participated in, it is entitled "America's Wolfman" and it will air on March 24th on the History channel.
You may want to check your local listings for air times.

I have to tell you guys, this was one of the most memorable times in my life thus far.
Those of you who know me personally, know that I and my family have suffered a tremendous amount of loss accompanied by overwhelming stress in the past two years, and this project came as both a healing intermission and a wonderful experience which I will never forget.
The film/production crew and everyone on the expedition were fantastic!
I dont think I have ever laughed so much in my entire life. What a great bunch! We had so much fun in between filming!
They have become a dear part of my heart and hopefully lifelong chums as well. I truly hope our paths come together again in the future.

As with any expedition of this sort, we also had our moments of frustration, exhaustion, and fear as well. But those are the ones we often learn the most from, so they have inspired me as well.

I hope this post finds you all enjoying this beautiful spring-like weather.
Many blessings to you.
Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven M.

Monday, March 1, 2010

'Paranatural ' with Nick Redfern and Ken Gerhard

As the reports of chupacabras sightings are steadily on the increase, especially through Texas and Puerto Rico, you can bet researchers are hot on their trails trying to demystify these strange creatures.

Join my two good friends and fellow cryptozoologist / researchers Nick Redfern and Ken Gerhard on a clip of "Paranatural" to see what their views are on this fascinating and elusive cryptid.
Is it a known creature that is being misidentified? Is it alien? A research project gone wrong?
The only way to find out, is to stay hot on its trail!

I hope everyone is enjoying this first day of March!

Have a howling good day, Haven Fans!

Your Mistress of the Mysterious,
Raven M.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mark Curtiss's first post at "Into the Shadows"

Mark Curtiss is a Moonshadow Investigations team member.
We chose Mark to join us not only because of his interest in cryptozoology and the paranormal, but because of his keen abilities and know-how as a woodsman and nature photographer.
Mark spends countless hours walking trails, and we hope he forges many new ones in the coming years with Moonshadow Investigations.
Please take a moment to go read his first ever post with our team,entitled " An Introduction to Field Research-Thoughts"
Leave him some feedback if you wish! I think he did a fantastic job. We're very excited to have him as part of our team!

Coming soon : An update on the feral pig population and what Michiganders(and others across the nation) are thinking and feeling about the situation. In fact,posted below are some thoughts from a concerned citizen named Michael who came to me just a few days ago regarding crop damage in regards to growing populations of feral hogs down south. I think his thoughts reflect the general feeling of a sizable percentage of the population that has come into any kind of contact with, or suffered a loss from the habits of, these animals. Something must be done. But what? and at what cost? Here is what Michael had to say about it all :

"I sense this situation getting desperate.
Food prices are already on their way up because of the winter freeze.
Even the orange growers down here are spooked.
Those damn pigs are going to ruin crops all over the country.
We have to do something.

I think communities all across the country should get together and organize a bounty to be put on wild hogs and feral pigs. The money could be put in an escrow account.
This way, your tax dollars won't have to get involved.
Right off the bat, I can think of farmers having a vested interest, not to mention, anyone with backyard pets. I'm sure there are plenty other groups.
If you wait for GVMNT to get involved . . . . . .
Well, I don't imagine I have to explain this to you guys."

Give it some thought and leave a comment!

Until next time, Haven fans!
Your Mistress of the Mysterious,

Raven Moonshadow


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